School Uniform

Our school uniform consists of:-

  • Navy sweatshirts or cardigans
  • White polo shirts
  • Charcoal grey or black conventional school trousers
  • Charcoal grey or black skirt
  • Navy/blue gingham dress
  • Plain white, grey, navy or black socks

Additionally, pupils must not wear nail varnish or jewellery other than small plain studded earrings that will need to be removed or covered for PE. Hair should be a natural colour with no tram lines or patterns shaved into hair.  Discrete hairbands and hair accessories may be worn.

School shoes

  • Plain black (no white soles, coloured detail or branding.)

PE Kit

Our PE kit should be comfortable and warm and consist of:- 

  • Plain navy jogging bottoms or shorts and sweatshirt (no football team kit or non school logos)
  • School jumper or plain navy sweatshirt
  • White polo shirt or t shirt
  • Black trainers (as above)

Forest School

On the days where children have Forest School they should come to school in the following uniform: -

  • Plain navy jogging bottoms and sweatshirt (no football team kit or non-school logos)
  • Long sleeved white or navy blue t shirt
  • Black trainers (as above)

Please follow this link to our online school uniform supplier:-

Love, Compassion, Respect