Nursery Admissions

Extended entitlement of 30 hours
  • If you are eligible for the 30 hours funding this can be taken between 8am and 5.15pm up to a total of 30 hours but these must be complete sessions.
  • The 30-hour school hours will be 8.45 to 3.15pm Monday to Thursday and 8.45 to 12.30pm on a Friday.
  • Any additional hours can be topped up at a cost of £4.75 per hour and the school office will calculate the charges for you. Charges for a Friday afternoon session will start from 12.30pm.
Universal entitlement of 15 hours
  • If you are eligible for the 15 hours funding, our offer for these hours is as follows:
    8.45 – 12.30pm Monday through to Thursday. Children will have their lunch here in school between 12.00 – 12.30pm.
  • Should you require more hours then additional hours can be topped up at a cost of £4.75 per hour and the school office will calculate the charges for you.


In addition, we offer extended childcare to all our nursery and school children with our Earlybirds and After Owls Clubs offering high quality childcare to cover your working day.

Please download our Nursery Admissions Policy here:

Nursery Admissions Policy


Hailey School is registered as a tax-free childcare provider. Visit for more information.

Parents guide to 30 hours nursery funding


School Admissions

As a Church-controlled school, we follow the County Admissions Policy. For more information visit

Our catchment area map can be viewed here:

Catchment Area Map

Love, Compassion, Respect