Friends of Hailey School

Who are We?

We are parents, grandparents and caregivers with children at the school. We have a committee and a group of volunteers who regularly help at events and donate their time to support the initiatives that we fundraise for.

What do we do?

We fundraise to provide things for the school that could not otherwise be purchased. These range from big pieces of play or learning equipment to certain school trips and property maintenance.

What have FoHS Funded in Recent Years?

Big equipment purchases have included the school stage, gates, and additions to the trim trail. Most recently we have replaced the school IT equipment with the latest Chromebooks and purchased new chairs for every classroom as well as new security lighting and a year-round Astro base for the ping-pong table.

Each year, we also fund the Christmas pantomime trip and the Year 6 leavers’ presents and also contribute to the school music lessons. The committee has painted the lobby in the locker area in the KS2 building and we have also replaced fencing, funded the playground games, and purchased books.


How can you Contact Us?

Catch one of us in the playground at drop-off/pick-up



Use the contact form on our website

How can you get Involved?

We are looking for representatives from all years to join the committee – please speak to another Friend if you would be up for it or fill in the contact form on the website.

We have an AGM and approximately 4 meetings per year to plan events, and then host several events (film nights, discos, bingo, fetes, Friday Tuck Shop) throughout the year to raise funds for the school.

As well as committee members, we also need an army of volunteers to help run events throughout the school year (film nights, discos, Christmas fayre, bingo summer fete). At the start of the academic year, you can volunteer to help at specific events, or please feel free to let one of the Friends know at any point.

Year-Round Fundraising Initiatives

We have a textiles recycling bin at the top end of the school car park by the gates. Please put all clothes, shoes, bags and linen for collection into plastic bags before putting them inside. is a quick and easy way for you to help us fundraise – at no cost to yourselves!! Simply log in via the website before you do your online shopping and select “Friends of Hailey Primary School – Witney” as your cause. We will then earn a donation when you shop online. If you can sign up for gift aid, we can claim back the tax on your donations too.

Keep up to date with all our events and info on our website

Love, Compassion, Respect