Unicorn Class

Welcome to Unicorn Class

In Unicorn Class, we are taught by Miss Purves and Mrs Faulkner.

Years 1 and 2 make up the Unicorn Class. As a class we work together, building on both the social and academic skills we began developing during our Reception Year. By working together, we are able to support each other in a variety of ways, but most of all we love learning and celebrating each other’s progress and achievements.

Unicorn Class pupils say:

"I like Unicorn Class because everyone is kind."

"I really like my teachers; they are very lovely."

"I like learning because it is fun."

"I like English because there are lots of fun activities."

General Information


P.E. takes place on Thursday and Friday afternoons.



Homework is accessed via Class Dojo and workbooks; it is set on a Tuesday to be returned the following Monday. We have spelling homework which is linked to the phonics learning that we are doing in class. Our maths homework and reading comprehension homework is done in our CPG workbooks and this helps us to develop the skills we need to move on to Key Stage Two.

Love, Compassion, Respect