Phoenix Class

Welcome to Phoenix Class

In Phoenix Class, we are taught by Mrs Clark, Mrs Jarrett and Mrs Davidson.

In Phoenix Class, we are the first children of the junior section Key Stage Two – Years Three & Four. In Phoenix, we work hard to ensure that there is a smooth transition between Key Stage One and Key Stage Two and the Year 4s are always eager to help settle the new Year 3s. There are a lot of exciting new routines and changes. During our time in this class, we begin to develop our independence. We thoroughly enjoy our learning and strive to do our best.

Phoenix Class Pupils Say:-

“I like Phoenix because the teachers are nice and the work is hard, but not too hard.”

“Everyone has fun and works hard.”

“I like Phoenix because we have amazing topics.”

“EVERYTHING is good about Phoenix!”

Phoenix Class Parents Say:

"My child enjoys his time at school, where he feels confident and is encouraged to think for himself and to try his best."

"In Phoenix class my children have been able to develop in confidence both as an individual and as an independent learner. They are inspired by their teachers to think for themselves and are able to learn in a fun and supportive environment."

"Phoenix Class encourages pupils to be themselves, to be passionate, enthusiastic individuals who care not only about their personal learning journey but also about their classmates wellbeing and happiness."


General Information

P.E. takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.



Spelling homework is accessed via Class Dojo and needs to be returned on Mondays.

English and Mathematics homework is given out on Tuesdays and needs to be returned the following Monday.

Love, Compassion, Respect