Remote Education

At Hailey School, we know children learn best when they are at school, surrounded by their friends and teachers. Attendance is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience.

There may, however, be times when a pupil is unable to attend because is has become necessary to restrict attendance to some or all pupils, for health and safety reasons. There may also be cases where a child might also be unable to attend for medical reasons but well enough to learn from home.

Please note that restrictions to school attendance and closures would only happen in exceptional circumstances and be our last resort.  In these circumstances, we would endeavour to provide remote education, allowing children to keep on track with their education and stay connected to their teachers and friends.


How should children access remote education?

Here at Hailey School our remote education offer might include:

  • Pre-recorded teaching time, delivered by a teacher or teaching assistant
  • Work accessed via a digital education platform 
  • Tasks set for a child to complete independently and reading assignments
  • Access to high-quality lessons developed by the Oak National Academy or other external online resource providers 
  • Printed resources or workbooks sent home

It is our intention that the work provided would match the learning needs of pupils including those with additional needs

How do children on free school meals access their meals if they’re learning from home?

Where pupils eligible for benefits-related free school meals are receiving remote education and the kitchen is open we would work with our catering team either to provide good quality lunch parcels or to issue a food voucher if available. This will make sure that eligible pupils continue to be supported for the period they are unable to attend school.

Love, Compassion, Respect