Extended Curriculum

Trips and Visits

As well as the day-to-day taught curriculum, we believe in the benefits of much wider and creative learning experiences. These experiences may be topic focused trips to areas of interest,or visits into school by experts.  So far this year, pupils have visited Bristol Aquarium, Steam Museum in Swindon, the National Space Centre and the pantomime in Chipping Norton. We also had a visit from Woodstock Museum. 

Our Phoenix and Griffin Classes will be going on residential trips in the summer term. 


Pupil Voice

At Hailey School, we like to involve pupils directly and give them the chance to make decisions about aspects of school life. As well as the annual pupil surveys we conduct to assess how our children view life at the school, all pupils also take part in pupil voice groups six times a year, where they have the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas about the school with a member of staff. These groups then feedback to other pupils through a whole school pupil voice assembly.

Love, Compassion, Respect