
Curriculum Intent

Through an engaging curriculum, we aim for our children to realise their potential whilst building their knowledge, skills, independence and resilience. We want them to become lifelong learners and more than anything else, we want them to become young people, who demonstrate love, compassion and respect.


Curriculum Implementation

Teachers at Hailey School have good knowledge of the subjects they teach, so that they present lesson content clearly and promote discussion. Throughout lessons, teachers check pupils’ understanding to quickly identify and address any misconceptions. Teachers use on-going and structured assessment to inform teaching. Our curriculum is designed to help learners remember long term the content of what has been taught. The choice of resources and materials is designed to support learning. At every stage there is a focus on developing excellent English and Maths skills. Our curriculum seeks to develop pupils’ enjoyment in reading and at the early stages of learning to read, reading materials are closely matched to learners’ phonic knowledge.


Curriculum Impact

Our curriculum ensures that pupils develop knowledge and skills across the curriculum. This means that pupils achieve well during their time at Hailey Primary School. This is evident in their behaviour and attitudes and personal development, as well as in their academic achievements. Consequently, they are ready for the next stage in their education.

Love, Compassion, Respect