Christian Distinctiveness

Let all that you do be done in love.

Corinthians 16:14

 Our core Christian values of love, compassion and respect inform our curriculum and provide a foundation for the children to grow in mind, body and spirit. Children are encouraged to flourish, take risks and learn from their mistakes, developing their independence, resilience, communication skills, questioning skills and understand what it means to be a life-long learner.

We believe, as a school, that everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Our teaching and learning reflect this – we have a responsibility to value and show love and respect towards others within the school community and beyond. We are inclusive. Founded on Christian principles, our school environment is a safe place where children of all faiths or no faith feel valued and respected.

Our Christian distinctiveness is intrinsic to the academic achievement, personal and social development and well-being of our pupils. As a parent, pupil, visitor or member of staff you will find that the attitude to learning and the excellent behaviour in school are evidence of this. There is a strong sense of respect between teachers and pupils who are proud to be part of Hailey School.

Collective worship is an integral part of the school day for both children and staff. We recognise that not everyone in our community chooses to worship God but it is an opportunity for us to gather together to be still, to consider spiritual and moral issues and to explore our own beliefs. Children play an active part in acts of worship: leading prayer, singing and presenting. Our celebration assembly each Friday also gives the school the opportunity to recognise children’s special achievements both academically and those who exemplify Christian values.

We have very strong links with St. Johns the Evangelist Church in Hailey Village. A member of the clergy team visits the school weekly to lead an act of worship, forming positive relationships with all members of our community. Children take part in services either in school or in church. These include: Harvest, Christingle, Christmas, Easter and Leaver’s service. Rev. Ness leads and supports during these celebrations.

Our governing body includes members of the Anglican clergy as well as members from local parishes. These governors play an active role in the decision making of the school and are regular visitors to worship as well as maintaining links with specific areas of school life.

Love, Compassion, Respect