Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

SEND Information

These pages set out information about our provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). They are updated annually.

About our School

Hailey Primary School provides for children and young people with a wide range of special educational needs including those with:

  • Communication and interaction needs; this includes children who have speech language and communication difficulties including autistic spectrum conditions.
  • Cognition and Learning needs; this includes children who have learning difficulties and specific learning difficulties like dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia.
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs
  • Sensory and/or Physical needs; this includes children who have visual or hearing needs, or a physical disability that affects their learning
    We are a mainstream school.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Debbie Davies. She can be contacted on: 01993 703802

Our Assistant Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (Assistant SENCo) is Liz Jarrett. She can be contacted on: 01993 703802

Our governor with responsibility for SEND is Tamara Dasht.

SEND policy

Equality Information and Objectives


How We Identify and Give Extra Help to Children and Young People with SEND

The school uses Oxfordshire County Council’s guidance ‘Identifying and supporting Special Educational Needs in Oxfordshire schools and settings’. The guidance sets out:

  • How we identify if a child or young person has a special educational need.
  • How we assess children and plan for their special educational needs, and how we adapt our teaching.
  • Ways in which we can adapt our school environment to meet each child’s needs
  • How we review progress and agree outcomes and involve you and your child in this.

Early Years SEN Guidance


How We Work with Parents and Children

We will always contact parents if we have a concern that a child or young person may have a special educational need. We work closely with children and young people with SEND and their parents to agree outcomes and how we will all work towards these, and then to review progress. We do this by meeting with parents three times a year.

The school newsletter provides information and services that can be accessed by parents/carers.


Adapting the Curriculum

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum for all children and young people including those with SEND. Details are published on the school website. The way we adapt this for children with SEND and disabilities is set out in the Accessibility Plan.

We have an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant who runs weekly sessions with pupils whom we have identified as needing some emotional well being support. 

We use intervention programmes to support the development of English and Maths:-

  • Precision Teaching
  • Nessy
  • Dyslexia Gold
  • Numicon
  • ELSA sessions
  • Custom made programmes


What Expertise We Offer

Our SENCo is experienced and has been working as SENCo for more than 15 years.

All staff have basic awareness level training in dyslexia and phonic development.

We have staff who have received enhanced training in autism spectrum disorder, mental health first aid, phonics and motor skills development.

Teaching assistants are trained to support the particular needs of the children they work with.

We also have access to a range of specialist support services including;

  • Educational Psychology
  • SENSS, who support children with communication and language, sensory needs and physical needs
  • Behaviour Support
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
  • Oxfordshire School Inclusion Team
  • Therapy services
  • Early Intervention
  • Children’s Social Care

Information about these services and what they offer can be found on the Oxfordshire County Council SEN web pages: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/residents/children-education-and-families/education-and-learning/special-educational-needs-and-disability-local-offer

We always discuss the involvement of specialist SEN services with parents first. We notify parents of visits from specialist SEN staff to their child in school and will send home reports if requested.

We also work with other services and organisations that are involved with a family, with the family’s permission.


How Do We Know if SEND Provision is Effective?

The progress of all children/young people is tracked throughout the school through pupil data tracking and pupil progress meetings which take place three times a year between the Headteacher and class teachers.

In addition for children/young people with SEN we regularly review progress towards agreed outcomes assessing whether the support that’s been in place has made a difference and what we need to do next. We evaluate this progress against age related expectations.

When we run special intervention programmes for groups of children we assess how successful they have been and use that information to decide on how best to run them in the future.

Information about how the governing body evaluate the success of the education that is provided for pupils with SEN is contained in the governors’ annual SEN report. You can read it on our school website.

The School Equality Action Team (SEAT) was set up in 2012 to monitor and review the school’s provision on Equality and Disability matters. Equality and disability accessibility questions on the parent questionnaire, and relevant questions in the pupils’ questionnaires, inform SEAT group decisions. In addition, an accessibility audit is conducted and the views and information sought or considered from staff and outside agency services that work with our children with protected characteristics and individual specific needs.  SEAT reports separately on progress against specific objectives as part of this duty to the Governing Body, and a summary of progress made is published on the school website.


How We Help Children and Young People with SEND to Access Activities Outside of the Classroom?

All children and young people are included in activities and trips following risk assessments where needed and in accordance with duties under the Equalities Act 2010. We talk to parents and young people when planning trips so that everyone is clear about what will happen.

There is information about activities and events for disabled children and those with SEN in Oxfordshire in the Family Information Directory: http://fisd.oxfordshire.gov.uk/kb5/oxfordshire/fsd/disabilities.page


How We Support the Wellbeing of Children/Young people with SEND?

All children have the opportunity to share their views through their school council representatives and through pupil surveys.


Joining the School and Moving On

We encourage all new children to visit the school before starting. For children/young people with SEN we may arrange additional visits.  We arrange extra visits for pupils with SEN who are transitioning to new classes if we think they would benefit from these.

We continue to maintain links (meetings/visits/telephone calls) with our local secondary schools and have had liaison meetings with other special needs staff in our partnership to ensure information is passed on to schools prior to transfer. Special attention is also made for younger SEN children transferring to other schools.


Who to Contact

If you are concerned about your child speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. She will discuss your concerns with the SENCo and Assistant SENCo.

If you’d like to feedback, including compliments and complaints about SEND provision please contact Debbie Davies, Headteacher.

If you’d like impartial advice from Oxfordshire’s SENDIASS (SEN and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service), formerly Parent Partnership Service contact https://sendiass-oxfordshire.org.uk/

If you’d like to know more about opportunities for children and young people with SEND and their families, support groups or information about SEN these are listed in the Family Information Directory: http://fisd.oxfordshire.gov.uk/kb5/oxfordshire/fsd/disabilities.page

Oxfordshire’s Local Offer contains lots of information for parents. Click here to see it: https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/cms/public-site/special-educational-needs-and-disability-local-offer. Our school has contributed to the county’s Local Offer through attendance at a training workshop and through trialling of new guidance and systems.

Love, Compassion, Respect