
Child Protection and Safeguarding

Hailey School is fully committed to all aspects of safeguarding under Section 11 of the Children Act and duties under Working Together to Safeguard Children to safeguard and promote the welfare of children; to work together with other agencies to ensure adequate arrangements exist within our setting to identify and support those children who are suffering harm or likely to suffer harm. The school has an Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board approved child protection policy, which can be accessed here (add link) or requested from the school office.

All staff and volunteers on the premises are subject to safeguarding checks and complete appropriate training. The school follows current national and local statute and guidelines regarding Keeping Children Safe in Education, visitors to the school, safer recruitment, safeguarding training of staff, preventing radicalisation, whistleblowing and other best practices for the protection and care of our pupils. 

Child protection at Hailey School is the responsibility of the Headteacher, Mrs Debbie Davies and the whole governing body. Other staff members with specific safeguarding responsibilities are our Deputy Head, Ms Sharon Jenkins and our Assistant SENCo, Mrs Liz Jarrett.  The named governor for child protection is Mr Graham Simpson. Any of these people can be contacted for advice and information via the school office.

The partnership between families, the school, the Local Authority and other support agencies is an important part of protecting your child and promoting their welfare. We also want to support pupils and families on child protection and safety matters outside of the school environment; online safety is a particular worry for pupils and parents. Please find below some links to information and resources that you may find useful; some of these – such as the ThinkUKNow/Click CEOP, will be known to your child as they form part of our curriculum on staying safe and also keeping safe online. If you have specific concerns however and would prefer to talk to someone at the school, please contact any of the safeguarding leads above for advice.

 Useful Resources and Links 
Love, Compassion, Respect