Governor Roles and Declaration of Interests

Governing Body Structure

There are specific committees for Pay and Head Teacher Appraisal.

Hailey School also appoints governors to lead governor roles which means they take on a specific area of governing body business, which ideally should match their skills and experience. We currently have the following lead governor roles:

  • Safeguarding and Child Protection
  • Look After Children
  • Whistleblowing
  • Communications
  • SEND & Equality
  • Foundation
  • Personnel
  • Health & Safety and Food& Wellbeing
  • Sports & Pupil Premium
  • Quality of Teaching
  • Pupil Achievement
  • ICT

In addition we appoint leads to each of our Strategic Action Plan objectives, so that  they have specific oversight of that priority area. 

We also have link governors for each of the classes, to establish closer links with the teaching and support staff and ensure a link with the day to day classroom experience.


Governor Roles Pecuniary Interests

Governor Roles and Pecuniary Interests

Love, Compassion, Respect